Monday 9 October 2017

Switch to Biogas in Ireland would bring great benefits to the country

Some of Ireland’s leading food and drink companies are supporting a big move into production of biogas, an emissions-free energy source from agricultural waste and energy crops.
Diageo, one of the State’s biggest gas consumers – mainly through St James’s Gate brewery in Dublin – and Dairygold co-op are leading the way.
Ireland, with its large agriculture sector, is considered the EU member state with best potential to exploit biogas. But a “renewable heat incentive” (RHI) to support this sector is absent. It’s urgently required, according to those prepared to back the green technology – Ireland is the only EU country without a RHI.
Biogas comes with benefits: it’s a renewable energy source that farmers can help generate and it reduces CO2 emissions associated with farming, which are responsible for a third of Irish greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Much of Diageo’s gas needs next year are likely to be supplied by Green Generation in Nurney, Co Kildare, an anaerobic digester plant set up by pig farmer Billy Costello. The €5 million biogas facility is beside one of his pig farms. It is designated a demonstration facility by Gas Networks Ireland, the State-owned Ervia subsidiary supporting development of renewable energy.
The Costello family also operates a 3,000-sow unit and dairy farm in Germany, where they have two digesters. The Nurney anaerobic digester plant uses piggery slurry and 23,000 tonnes of foodwaste a year, generating enough electricity to power 500 houses.
The facility generates heat and electricity for the piggery from a combined heat and power (CHP) unit. Their aim is to purify and certify the methane, pipe it into the national network for large industry to utilise such as Diageo. A national gas grid injection point at Cush, 8 km away, is due to be commissioned soon.
Germany has 8,000 biogas plants built up over 20 years; the UK has 600. A reasonable start, Costello says, would be to build quickly to match the UK.

Income stream
Currently, about 14 cents/kWh is paid for electricity from this energy source; the equivalent in Germany is 22 cents – A 7.5 cent/kW subsidy is needed, GNI estimates.
Costello, who is from north Co Galway, cites the case of west of Ireland beef farmers.
Thousands of them are not making money. They don’t want to change their farm over to bushes or forestry. It goes against the Irish psyche.
By allowing grass silage to be sold for biogas production, “they remain farmers, the land is green, and the infrastructure is largely in place already. Farmers are helping to decarbonise…and in the process have a new income stream.
Biogas enhances energy independence by replacing imported fossil fuels and is cheaper. In contrast, “there is not much point to producing beef at a loss, while also adding to GHG emissions,” he says.
Costello believes the Government attitude to energy has favoured monopolies and “old way” thinking – when it came to electricity, it meant “leave it to the ESB” – making acceptance of biogas difficulty to achieve.

Massive fines loom for Ireland after 2020 for failing to meet renewable energy targets in heat and transport, he warns. In much the same way creameries became co-ops, he believes building 15 to 20 anaerobic digestion plants a year is realisable.
The preferred system is “Hub and Pod”; pods being small to medium sized farm-scale anaerobic digestion plants in regional clusters; the hub a central injection point connected to the national gas grid.
This is the most cost-effective solution, and maximises the potential benefit (commercial and environmental) for Irish farmers,” explains Liam Reid Diageo’s corporate relations director.
Diageo want to be first movers with this proven technology in other European countries. It could unlock a sustainable solution for farm waste management and provide a double benefit in terms of reducing GHG emissions in farming alongside displacing fossil fuels.”

Diageo intends to derive all of its power from renewable sources by 2030 and is seeking a 50% reduction in GHG emissions by 2020 from a 2007 baseline. Already it has achieved a 26% reduction at St James’s Gate. Biogas is set to help close the gap.
The Green Generation model is a template that can be replicated and expanded, says GNI business development manager Ian Kilgallon. Biogas can be upgraded to natural gas quality and injected into the grid or used as vehicle fuel.
Hub projects are also underway in Mitchelstown, Co Cork (beside Dairygold’s dairy processing facility), in Louth/Cavan and another Munster location. Others are at planning stage.

Permanent jobs
PJ McCarthy, chair of the Renewable Gas Forum of Ireland, an industry body, underlines ease of transition. As most businesses are gas customers and renewable gas can run to the same efficiency in CHP generators and gas boilers, switching is simple. It has the potential to generate 3,000 permanent jobs in rural Ireland by 2050 and 5,000 jobs in the construction phase.
If Ireland does not decarbonise, its reputation as a green producer of food and drink products will unravel, he warns.

A constant focus for Simon Shannon, Diageo supplier performance manager, is on energy efficiency and sustainability. Biogas offers huge opportunity for the agrifood sector, he says, in parallel with helping Diageo to meet its sustainability targets and reduce GHG emissions.
Current maximum capacity of Green Generation would meet about 35% of St James’s Gate total energy (gas) requirements.
We would purchase this gas via a certification scheme, whereby we would pay the generator for the quantity of gas that they inject into the national grid, and we would claim the associated GHG emissions benefit resulting from the displaced volume of natural gas. We burn gas on site to generate electricity and steam, which is distributed to all process and facilities users across the St. James’s Gate site.”

Diageo’s sustainability focus cuts across all aspects of the business, including its new €169 million brewhouse. Its CHP plant, the “first of that scale in the world”, adds excess power to the electricity grid. Zero waste goes to landfill. A natural gas vehicle delivers malted barley from its facility in Athy to St James’s Gate, producing 20% less CO2 emissions than its diesel-powered equivalent.
The main source of carbon emissions in Dairygold’s business is natural gas, ie fossil fuels from the national grid, which supplies almost 90% of the energy it uses. It has been at the forefront of energy and emissions management for many years, according to Dave FitzGerald, Dairygold’s group head of sustainability.
In the 1990s we were the first dairy processor in Ireland to install CHP, a clean and highly carbon-efficient way of generating electricity and steam for our processes from natural gas,” he adds. “Through recent investments in processing capacity we have incorporated energy efficient technologies to reduce our energy demand.”
In 2012 Dairygold installed an AD at its Mitchelstown complex.
The technology used was a first for the dairy industry and it is the largest above ground digester of its type in the world. The digester generates biogas from dairy processing waste water. The biogas is burned in boilers and supplies up to 6% of the heat demand for the production site. This displaces natural gas use and saves over 3,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions annually.”

Tiered payments
They are exploring ways to further reduce its processing carbon footprint through renewable fuels.
Currently the options for large scale renewable heat in Ireland are limited and do not work with our energy infrastructure. Based on our positive experience with self-generated biogas, we support the inclusion of anaerobic digestion and biomethane (upgraded biogas) grid injection in the proposed RHI.
FitzGerald adds: “This is essential to kick-start the biogas industry in Ireland. The GNI initiative to support biomethane grid injection will provide an option to further reduce our processing carbon emissions.

Relying on HGV transport for milk collection and haulage of farm inputs, it sees potential in a move to biomethane to further reduce emissions.
As a co-operative, we are keenly interested in the potential for anaerobic digestion at farm level to reduce farm emissions, provide an alternative income stream for farmers and improve nutrient management.
Minister for Climate Action and the Environment Denis Naughten is committed to a RHI: “It will create new commercial opportunities for farmers in heat technologies including biomass boiler installations and new opportunities for foresters. It will also help us to meet our EU renewable energy targets.”

The proposal he is bringing to Government will include “anaerobic digestion which will encompass biogas boilers and biomethane injection into the natural gas grid”.
Tiered payments will apply to each technology. Payments will decrease with increasing scheme size and economies of scale.
This will provide a balance between ensuring suitable incentives for investment and value for money for the Exchequer. It is vital the scheme has sufficient budgetary safeguards. The experience from other jurisdictions provides important lessons for implementation of the RHI in Ireland,” he flagged last week. The package is due to be signed off by Cabinet shortly.
Those in the emerging biogas sector hope it gets its fair share; enough to scale up a proven energy industry – what’s needed, they underline, is a lot less than those threatened EU fines arising from missed renewable energy targets.

Q&A panel:
What is renewable gas, also known as biogas or green gas?
It’s gas produced from renewable sources. While conventional gas supply is procured by extracting fossil fuels from the earth, it is created by extracting methane from feedstocks such as animal waste (manure/slurry); municipal waste, food waste and energy crops ie grass/silage/grains.

How is it generated?
It is not high-tech. Source material is placed in an oxygen-free container known as an anaerobic digester (AD). A bacteria is introduced and the material breaks down releasing methane gas identical to natural gas obtained from drilling and exploration.

Environmental benefits?
Gas is a cost-effective flexible and low emission energy option – biogas even more so; it is indigenous, sustainable and “carbon neutral”.

Other benefits?
Its flexibility for use in a variety of circumstances: it is easily upgraded to natural gas quality and injected into the national grid, or used for transport. It is usually used as fuel for heating or electricity generation. This is achieved using sustainable feedstocks without the need for dedicated energy crops or permanent land use change.

What are the Paris climate change targets to be met?
By 2020, 16% of Irish energy must come from renewable sources, with individual targets for heating, transport, electricity generation and associated greenhouse gas emissions. By 2020, 12% of Ireland’s heat must come from renewable sources. At present, we are well short of this target. Failure will result in heavy EU fines – it is estimated that fines of €240 million per annum for each percentage point targets are missed by.

Source: The Irish Times

Sunday 8 October 2017

Biomethane powered tractor unveiled

As part of a vision for a sustainable farming future, a concept tractor powered by biomethane has been unveiled.
New Holland Agriculture’s new biomethane powered concept tractor is a reimagining of traditional tractor design. According to the company, it’s inspired by the belief that farmers could lead the move away from fossil fuel powered vehicles towards renewable sources, using a ‘closed-loop’ virtuous cycle that powers tractors using energy produced from their own land and waste products.

Technical details:
The tractor’s fuel is stored within tanks produced using a composite layered tubular structure within a sleek and integrated storage structure fitted at the front of the tractor, as well tanks on either side of the machine.
Significantly, New Holland Agriculture claims that the new tractor is as easy to refuel as one powered with conventional diesel, needing just a single nozzle and having a comparable filling time.
Due to the reduction in polluting emissions that comes with the tractor’s methane combustion, a simplified after treatment system is used featuring a maintenance free single standard catalytic converter.

The new concept tractor is apparently capable of completing all the tasks that a standard diesel powered equivalent could, from high speed field work to ploughing or loading animal grain.
Biomethane can be produced from a mixture of specifically-grown energy crops and waste plant or food material, the latter in both liquid and solid forms. This material is either harvested from the fields or gathered at the farm from sources such as food factories, supermarkets and restaurants and canteens, and fed into a biodigester, where it is broken down by bacteria in a process known as anaerobic digestion (AD).

As the biomass and waste breaks down, biogas is released in a two-stage fermentation process lasting around 60 days. This is eventually refined to produce fuel-grade biomethane, a product which can then be used to power the concept tractor.
Liquid and solid waste from the anaerobic digestion process, known as digestate, have a high nutritional value and can be used as fertiliser.

This article was written by Daryl Worthington, assistant editor of Bioenergy Insight.

Saturday 7 October 2017

‘Biogas to Biomethane’ new brochure focuses on scientific, technical and legal aspects of biogas upgrading technology

The technical and legal aspects of safe and efficient production and use of biomethane and related utilization concepts are the focus of a new publication.

Biomethane is produced by the enrichment of the methane content of biogas, sewage gas and landfill gas. In Europe alone, there are currently around 460 biomethane plants in operation and the growth rate continues to be strong.
The Biogas to biomethane publication was jointly prepared by the German Biogas Association (Fachverband Biogas); the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO); the European Biogas Association (EBA); and the German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water (DVGW).
The publication looks at the basics of biomethane production and application, and provides a detailed description of the biogas process using various raw materials, and the possible energy applications.
It examines:
  • The process of converting biogas to biomethane
  • Various techniques for methane enrichment
  • Safety issues relating to the operation of a biomethane plant
  • Possible applications of biomethane in the natural gas grid, in high-pressure cylinders and in the transport sector.
Consideration is given to the technical and legal conditions to be fulfilled within European and German contexts. An overview of the various partnership and financing options for biomethane projects in developing and emerging economies is also included.
In the foreword to the brochure, Philippe Scholtès, Managing Director, Programme Development and Technical Cooperation, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), wrote, “Biogas is an essential component of the global renewable energy mix. It allows us to transit to a low-carbon future. Biogas, produced from biomass, has the advantages of requiring low capital costs and being independent of weather patterns, making it a very reliable source of energy. It also has a significant greenhouse gas mitigation potential, especially when it is upgraded to biomethane, which can be distributed via already available natural gas pipelines or used directly in vehicles replacing fossil fuels.”
Horst Seide, President of the German Biogas Association, added, “In order to successfully manage global energy demand, we need to move away from the use of fossil fuels for electricity, heat and transport. The flexibility of biomethane with regard to its potential applications makes it an ideal basis for advancing this development in the energy sector.”
The publication presents a number of international reference plants, and features a directory of companies experienced in biomethane plant construction, project development, and component and process auxiliary production.


Friday 6 October 2017

These Six Clever Gmail Add-Ons Will Make You Infinitely More Productive

By JR Raphael

Gmail may be the de facto standard for web-based email—but sometimes, the service can start to feel a teensy bit stale.

After all, Google’s younger Inbox app is the where the company introduces its most contemporary productivity features and designs these days. But if Inbox doesn’t do the trick for you, don’t despair: With a little outside help, you can give good ol’ Gmail a fresh dose of efficiency-enhancing energy. From practical new features to time-saving interface refinements, there are plenty of ways to reinvigorate your desktop-based email environment.

I tracked down a handful of thoughtfully crafted Gmail add-ons that are worthy of your attention. Check them out and see what you think—because, really, why limit yourself to Google’s own infrequent updates to Gmail?

1. Sortd: An Inbox Of Cards And Boards

Ever wish your inbox could be a little more like Trello—with emails acting like tasks and a series of boards to keep things organized? Sortd reimagines Gmail to make that fantasy a reality.

All you do is install the Chrome extension, grant it a series of permissions, and then watch as your tired old inbox gets transformed into a card-based task management center.

The setup puts all of your incoming emails into a single column on the left side of the screen. To the right is a collection of customizable boards. By default, one is called “To Do,” one is “Follow Up,” and the remaining two are waiting for your own personal focuses. You just decide how you want to put each board to use, then drag and drop emails from your inbox into the appropriate sections to keep everything organized.
Sortd turns your emails into card-based tasks, organized by boards.

Once an email is in a board, it appears as its own card, which can then be dragged up or down to adjust its position and priority. Other board-based options include changing an email’s subject to give it a task-like title, attaching private notes to an email, and setting reminders related to a specific message. You can also create standalone tasks that have those same options and act pretty much like emails, only without any associated external messages.

Beyond those basics, Sortd lets you group related emails or tasks together, set follow-up reminders while composing new emails, and snooze emails (à la Google Inbox) so they’ll disappear out of view and then return to grab your attention later.

And if you ever want to get back to the standard Gmail view, all you need to do is click the red “Gmail” bar on the right side of the screen. That opens the traditional Gmail inbox interface with some Sortd bonuses sprinkled in, such as a native-looking snooze command and a side panel that lets you view and manage your Sortd boards.
With Sortd, an enhanced version of the traditional Gmail inbox is always just a click away.

The Sortd add-on is accompanied by mobile apps—for both iOS and Android—but they’re fairly limited in function and underwhelming to use. For now, at least, this is primarily a tool for desktop-based organization.

Sortd is free on its most basic level, though if you want more than four boards or access to certain advanced features, such as custom days and times for snoozing (as opposed to the decidedly vague “Later today,” “Tomorrow,” and “Next week” default options), you’ll have to subscribe to a $2/month premium plan. Sortd also offers paid team subscriptions in which boards can be shared among multiple users.

2. Gmelius: Gmail, Supercharged

Maybe you’re mostly happy with Gmail but wish it had a few extra features—or even just options to tweak certain areas of the interface. If so, Gmelius is the add-on for you.

Like Sortd, Gmelius works via a browser extension and a series of permissions for access to your Google account, but it supports more browsers: Chrome, Safari, and Opera. Once you’ve got everything set up with your browser of choice, you’ll find a bunch of useful new features within the regular Gmail website, including commands for snoozing emails, scheduling drafts to be sent later, and adding private notes alongside individual messages. There’s even a nice-looking to-do app that’s built right into your inbox and integrated with Google Calendar.
Gmelius adds valuable functions like snoozing and note taking into the standard Gmail interface.

Gmelius has some useful privacy-related options, too, like a system for detecting and blocking message trackers and a one-click link for unsubscribing from any list-generated email.

The service also provides some handy tools for improving Gmail’s appearance. You can add mouse-over message highlighting to your inbox, automatically resize images to fit within any window’s width, and force Gmail to show you the full contents of every message rather than cutting off longer emails and making you click a link to read past a certain point.

Naturally, there’s a catch: In its free form, Gmelius limits how frequently you can use some of its more advanced elements. You can snooze just five messages per month, for instance, and schedule only five emails per month without having to pay. Notes are also limited to five per month on the free plan.

If you want unlimited access to all the core features, you’ll have to pony up $5 each month to upgrade to Gmelius’s Premium tier of service. For $10 a month, meanwhile, you can bump up to the Business plan, which adds on the ability to share notes and custom templates with coworkers.

(Gmelius’s developers say Android and iOS apps are on their roadmap, though no dates have been set for those debuts.)

3. Simple Gmail Notes: A Personal Post-It System

The aptly named Simple Gmail Notes does just one thing and does it well: It allows you to attach private sticky notes to any email for your own personal reference. The notes appear above the message in the Gmail web interface and next to the subject line in the main inbox view.

The add-on works via a Chrome or Firefox extension and stores all your note data within your own Google Drive account, so no third-party servers are involved. Every note is saved as a file in Drive, and you can even search Drive yourself to find any in-note text.
Attaching notes to emails doesn’t get much simpler than this.

Simple Gmail Notes allows you to customize your notes’ color and font size and shift the entire utility to Gmail’s sidebar, if you prefer. And that’s essentially it. If private note taking is all you’re after, this add-on is an easy and effective way to tack the feature onto your desktop-based inbox.

4. Gmail Notes: Annotations For Your Emails

If you’d rather place annotation-like notes in-line within emails, you’ll appreciate the productivity-boosting power this next add-on provides. With the Gmail Notes Chrome extension installed on your desktop computer, you can highlight any text within an email, and a box will appear with a field for contextual comments.

Type in whatever you want, hit save—and your note will then show up in blue alongside the original text. You can even edit your note later, should the need arise.
Gmail Notes lets you make notes in-line—for yourself or for others — right within Gmail.

Here’s where things get particularly interesting: When you reply or forward an email in which you’ve made notes, a box will appear and ask if you want to include your notes with your outgoing message. If you select “No,” your notes will remain private. But if you select “Yes,” the recipient of your email will see your blue-highlighted annotations in-line with the message, exactly as they appear on your screen.

And while the Gmail Notes add-on is Chrome-specific, any annotations you make with it will remain visible anywhere else you sign into Gmail, including the Gmail mobile apps.

This utility and the next two add-ons come from a company called cloudHQ, which doesn’t charge for its Chrome add-ons but uses them as an opportunity to introduce you to its subscription-based cloud storage backup service (via a “cloudHQ” icon that appears at the top of the Gmail web interface). The company says it doesn’t permanently store any data on its servers, doesn’t share user data with anyone, and uses secure 256-bit encrypted SSL channels for all transmissions.

5. Convert Google Docs to Gmail Drafts: A More Versatile Way To Compose

Let’s face it: Gmail’s great for a lot of things, but when it comes to composing emails, it can be kinda confining. For times when you want a little more control over a message’s appearance, an add-on called Convert Google Docs to Gmail Drafts is ready to expand your formatting powers.

The add-on’s name is pretty self-explanatory: Once the software is connected to Chrome, you’ll see a new “Open In Gmail” button in the top-right corner of Docs on the web. You can create and perfect a message there, then simply click that button to beam your work into a new draft in Gmail. Some fonts may be substituted for Gmail-compatible alternatives, but all of your formatting—including any images, charts, or other graphical elements you’ve inserted—will carry over just as they appear in Docs.
Creating email drafts in Google Docs opens up some interesting possibilities.

That introduces another valuable option: By working on drafts in Docs, you can easily collaborate with other people while composing a message. Then, when everything’s finished, all you have to do is shoot the page over to Gmail and send it.

6. Snooze Email: The Simple Snoozing Solution

Snoozing email is one of the most useful functions of Google’s Inbox app, but most of the add-ons that offer similar features for Gmail — including Sortd and Gmelius, above—require paid subscriptions in order to overcome monthly usage restrictions.

The no-nonsense Snooze Email add-on for Chrome is a noteworthy exception. All the software does is add a snooze button into your Gmail web interface. Click the button, select the day and time you want the message to return, and leave yourself a private note if you want—and that’s it. The message will be archived into a special “Snoozed” label and will reappear at the top of your inbox when the appropriate time arrives.
The Snooze Email add-on is simple and effective.

And there you have it: some of the most practical and productivity-oriented add-ons available for Gmail today. Figure out which ones make sense for you, and watch your email efficiency soar.

Biogas Buses ‘better value’ than electric

Biomethane fuelled vehicles three times cheaper than electric, government figures show.

The UK government’s latest funding round for cleaner buses demonstrates that electric buses arguably represent poorer value for money than biomethane-fuelled equivalents.
The Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV) revealed the six latest winners of its low-emission bus scheme on 28 August. Six applicants, including local authorities and private companies, were awarded more than £11 million (€11.9 million ) to buy 153 new vehicles and accompanying infrastructure.
Five winning bids were for a total of 43 electric buses, costing £5.6 million  (€6.1 million ), plus £719,326 (€781,683) for charging infrastructure. This works out at about £148,000 (€160,724) per bus.
Only one award was for biomethane buses, going to a consortium of local councils in the west of England. This was both the largest single grant and by far the least expensive per vehicle.
It received £3.1 million  (€3.3 million ) for 110 vehicles and £1.7 million  (€1.8 million ) for refuelling them. This comes to less than £43,600 (€47,379) each – more than three times cheaper than the electric buses.

The winners of the initial funding round, announced in July 2016, had the same pattern. Electric bus projects averaged £173,500 (€188,416) per bus, including charging infrastructure, with biomethane projects coming in at £89,200 (€96,949).
The first double-decker to be powered by biomethane has been introduced in Bristol.
Bus company First West of England announced the move on 9 August, following a successful two-year trial of a 40-seater biogas bus.
By running on biomethane produced from sewage and farm and food waste, the bus’s greenhouse-gas emissions are 84% lower than a Euro 5 diesel vehicle on a well-to-wheel basis. Its pollutant emissions are also lower than many modern Euro 6 diesel passenger cars.
The new bus costs around £295,000 (€320,476). In comparison, Bristol’s electric buses cost about £675,000 (€733,646) and its Euro 6 diesel models cost £250,000 (€271,493).

Source: ENDS Waste Bioenergy

Wednesday 27 September 2017

How to Earn a Full-Time Income Writing Articles

By Ruth Barringham

There are many ways for writers to make money, and one of the most popular is article writing.

If you're a good writer and you can write articles quickly, you can earn a substantial, regular income. And I'm going to show you how much you can earn and how easy it is.

There's no doubt about it. Good writers are always in demand, and that's true now more than ever before.

There are thousands of blogs online needing regular content plus companies need marketing articles too.

I used to be a freelance writer, writing for many different clients. It was how I got my start as a writer several years ago.

And what I discovered was that good writers were always in demand, especially if they could produce useful and interesting articles quickly and consistently.

I used to get regular work from a few clients which provided me with a steady income.

And if you want to do the same I can tell you how to do it.

You begin by getting used to writing articles quickly. If you practice non-stop for only a week or two, you should be able to produce quality articles quite quickly.

It's possible to write a short article in just 15 minutes. But even if it takes you twice that long (30 minutes) you can still earn a better-than-average income even if you only work part time.

So let's look at the numbers to see how it works.

If you can write an article in 1/2 an hour, then you should be able to complete 8 articles in 4 hours, which is only half a working day.

And if you charge $20 per article, your 8 articles will earn you $160 a day.

This means that if you write articles for 8 hours a day, which doubles your writing time, it will also double your income to $320 a day.

And at that rate, if you work 5 days a week, your weekly income would be $1,600 ($320/day x 5 days/week).

Not bad for a 'work at home' freelance writer. And you get the weekends off.

By working for yourself this way, it all comes down to the quality of your work and your speed of writing.

And with regular client work, you could earn an on-going income - and it could be quite substantial.

And because you're only limited by the number of hours you're prepared to work, you could earn even more.

Imagine that.

About the Author: Ruth Barringham is a writer and author who earns all her income through blogging and writing books. One of her most popular books is her eBook, "How to Write and Article in 15 Minutes - Including Research,Proof Reading and Editing." You can find out more about this eBook and about how she earned $4,000 writing articles in just one day at

Article Source:

Tuesday 26 September 2017

How to Write an Article to Be SEO Friendly

By Anthony Whitelaw

What does an SEO-friendly article look like these days?

Ask 100 people and you will probably get 100 different answers. The problem is that a lot of marketing 'experts' are still stuck in the past when it comes to the best strategies for getting a post to the top of Google and this results in a lot of low quality content and a lot of wasted time.

The best way to make an article SEO-friendly is actually quite simple, so read on and let's dive into what you need to know.

Provide Value

To understand how to write the best SEO-friendly article, it pays to get inside the mindset of Google a little. What is Google trying to achieve?

The answer is simple: it wants to serve its users by linking them to the very highest quality and most relevant content that it can find. Thus, any signals that you can send to Google to show that your content is high quality and relevant, will ultimately results in a boost to your SEO. The question is just how you go about doing that.

One example is to include outward bound links to other useful resources, relevant to the content of your site. This shows Google that you're interested in providing as much information as possible to your readers, it aligns you with high quality sites and it provides references to back up your claims (suggesting accuracy).

What this shouldn't mean is that 'every article needs at least two outward bound links'. This is entirely missing the point as it will create a predictable pattern on your site that will look like manipulation. Link out when it is relevant and useful and don't be cynical about it.

It's also for this reason that Google likes to see long content - of around 800 words+. While reports vary, it is generally thought that the ideal content length for SEO is approximately 1,800 words - and this will improve your chances of being features as News.


It's painful to see, but some SEO companies still think that a good SEO article is one that has the same keywords repeated over and over, to the detriment of the reading experience. This is one of the fastest ways to have your content flagged as spam, if not by Google, then by the human readers on your site.

Instead, keywords should be used very sparingly. A density of around 1-2% is recommended but only when that is appropriate and when it fits with the content naturally. This is one reason to write longer-form content though, as longer posts are going to have more space for repetitive keyword use. It's also important to recognize that synonyms and related terms are just as important, if not more so. Try to write around the subject and let related terms enter your content naturally. This is something you can expect to play a bigger and bigger role in future.


Finally, space out your content and use lots of headings. Use large fonts and a narrative, user-friendly structure. This will help to keep people on your pages for longer and that's one of the other things that Google looks for when ranking content.

Article Source:

Monday 25 September 2017

Search Engine Optimisation Tips and Techniques

By Elijah Jordan Kim

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is becoming a buzz word beyond the virtual world. Big and small companies are taking notice of search engine optimisation design and development since these factors play an important role in getting noticed in the World Wide Web. Business people are always on the lookout for ways to increase their profits and return on investment and nowadays, having a good company website is a must. Business owners, company managers, organisation directors should ensure that their business or group has a website that caters to their visitors first and foremost by hiring SEO companies.

Every webmaster knows that quality content is just one of the important elements of SEO. Search engine optimisation techniques helps a website stand out from the rest of the pack and actually herd visitors and browsers to it. Getting lots of traffic will get a website noticed by search engines and they reward it by ranking it well. Learn more about SEO methods below and see if you could put these into good use in your own website:

First, pick the right keywords or key phrases. Sprinkle it in your content, particularly in your homepage. One important thing to remember is to create two or three keyword phrases since focusing on just one keyword is not advisable. Many are already competing for one choice word and it will be quite a difficult climb to the top if you just use one. To start off your search marketing campaign, it's best to develop a list of potential key phrases, analyse its demand, and choose the best ones and remember to concentrate on the key phrases that clearly describe your website's content.

The second thing to remember is the web page optimisation or onpage optimisation. Now that you have a good solid list of key phrases, you should know how to position these words in strategic locations within your web page. SEM, as in any kind of marketing, is about getting people's attention. In this case, put your key phrases in the title of your web page. This will catch the eye of search engines like Google and Yahoo and they in turn, would display the title as link text. It is very important to think of a title that would attract browsers enough to click on it. Another valuable SEO friendly tip is to keep your key phrases together which is also known as keyword proximity.

The third important thing to remember when you want your website to be primed for search engine marketing (SEM) is to get linked from the best directories that cater to your niche. Link building strategies are a vital part of search engine optimisation. Big search engines, like the giant Google, "crawl" the World Wide Web in search for links to websites and of course, you want Google to acknowledge your link as a vote of confidence of sorts, meaning links are like "votes" in favor of you. The more links you have, the higher your page rank would go since it means that you have quality sites in alignment. SEO link building is quite heavy stuff but there are tools available for better search engine results.

These tips are just some of the basic things to remember when starting your own search engine optimisation campaign. It is also good advice to get help from SEO consultant services since they are experts in this field and they have the right tools for the job.

The author is a search engine optimisation [] specialist located in Sydney, Australia. To find out more on how you could expand your business using the SEO marketing inquire for seo services [] of eLocalise.

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Sunday 24 September 2017

Outbound Links - The Secret Search Engine Optimisation Weapon

By Tom Greaves

Everybody knows the power of back links in the search engine optimisation mix, back links increase rank and improve page relevance, they also allow PageRank to flow to your pages and however no one really knows about the ranking power held in out links from your sites pages.

Many have a negative association with out links presuming they diminish a sites PageRank, and give relevancy to other, sometimes competing sites, this is why a lot of page links in today's market are marked with the no follow attribute.

The truth is out links can make a significant difference in your ability to rank for certain keywords, have you ever wondered why so many directories rank for significant keywords? These sites are filled with thousands and some times millions of outbound links, yet still out rank some highly optimised sites. It's because relevant out bound links pointing to quality resources hold some substance in the search engine ranking algorithm.

So how should we be looking to link out? Well first of all let me start by saying, don't simply go and create a load of outbound links from your page expecting miracles to happen, there are certain aspects you need to consider first.

The primary aspect of out bound links is, who are you linking to? You should look to link to relevant content from reliable resources. Linking to spammy or unethical sites will see your site penalised, so avoid those kind of links.

Secondly in order to increase relevance and your ability to rank, you also need to anchor the outbound links with the keyword you wish to target. If I was targeting the keyword search engine optimisation, then I would anchor an out bound link to a relevant resource with that anchor text.

The important thing with outbound linking is not to go overboard, only link when it is natural and of benefit to your users as this is ultimately what Google is trying to achieve. I like to stick to around 5 - 10 outbound links per page, anchored and targeted towards pages that are relevant to my own content. Wikipedia is another brilliant example of the power of out links, they link to hundreds and thousands of different resources which are checked and quality assured and how many keywords do they rank for?? Thousands probably, which results in millions of visitors every month.

Creating a great resource is not simply about hoarding link juice and PageRank, it is about creating something people can interact with, something that is of use to searchers, this ultimately is the kind of site Google will reward.

If you would like to learn more about search engine optimisation Please visit our quality seo service page.

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Saturday 23 September 2017

By Mark Nenadic

When it comes to getting the very most out of your SEO efforts, you need to make sure that you're search engine optimizing with the right search engines in mind. This means that you need to cater to the Big Three. What search engines make up this ever-important trio? The answer is Google, Yahoo! and MSN. The following techniques will help you create both a long and short term SEO strategy for success, with the Big Three search engines in mind.

Google is the clear leader among search engines, so this should be your primary focus, however, Yahoo! and MSN do hold a substantial part of the internet using community's attention, so they should not be ignored. It should be remembered that while Google does get the most traffic, Yahoo! and MSN can provide better results when it comes to certain specific categories of interest. This is why it is so very important that you cater to all three of the major search engines for your SEO and not just Google.

Since ranking is such a lengthy process, it is important that you continuously monitor and improve your site and its keywords with tracking in order to keep ahead of your competitors, and to ensure that your site keeps its high ranks. This requires continuous optimization through growth and updating.

When it comes to the Big Three, the SEO techniques that matter are as follows.


o Whenever you launch a website, submit it to a search engine, or update a site, a spider from one or all three of the big search engines may crawl your site. However, unless you provide that spider with significant keywords for ranking your site, you'll never actually achieve rankings that are anywhere near where you want them to be, other than your business name itself. Therefore, make sure that when you are building or adding to your website, it has keywords within its text and in its coding to allow the spiders to index and rank in a way that is favorable to you.

o Use keywords that will ensure better rankings. To best complete your SEO, you need to understand that some keywords will provide you with better results than others. However, if these "best" keywords are already being used by quite a high number of other sites, since the market in your industry is competitive, then it is unlikely that the best keywords will ensure the best ranking. The only time that the ideal keywords will ensure the best results for you is if your service or product is extremely unique or new so that the keyword has not already been used extensively throughout the world wide web. In fact, if you are supplying a new product or service, then you will almost certainly receive great search engine ranking, since the Top Three adore fresh new content. In extremely competitive markets, it may take up to six months for you to see the results you want from your desired keywords. In such cases, a pay-per-click campaign may be required.

The reason that the search engines give such preference to websites offering things that are new and unique are as follows:

o It gives them the opportunity to provide something new

o There is less competition against something new or unique, so as long as the website has proper SEO, then great rankings are almost automatic.


o MSN is typically much faster for crawling, indexing, and listing sites. In fact, if you have done your SEO properly, you can achieve a high MSN ranking within a month, even within the most competitive markets. Therefore, while Google may be your long term SEO goal, MSN can provide for you on the short term.


o Though Yahoo! can provide you with a steady traffic flow, actually getting listed can present quite a challenge. While some websites will be crawled as early as a month from their submission, this is a rare occasion, with the standard being closer to three or four months. Once the site is crawled, however, it doesn't take long for it to be indexed and ranked. As long as your SEO is good, then you may achieve a good rank and see results before Google has even thought about sending a spider your way.

Though there are practically countless search engines out there, it is the Big Three that have you covered for both the short term and the long term for your SEO.

Copyright 2006 Mark Nenadic

Mark is the director and face behind FifteenDegrees-North, where you will find articles and resources to help with SEO, marketing and Web design.

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Friday 22 September 2017

Search Engine Optimization Terms

By Rene Ayala 

Lesson 1 - Search Engine Optimization Terms
Before we get started, I'd like to tell you a little about myself. I've been fortunate to work with many companies and corporations, helping them to achieve high rankings on major search engines. Over the years, I've assembled a powerful collection of SEO tools, and I've learned-often by trial-and-error-what works and what doesn't. In these tutorial series, I'll share my secrets for success and help you avoid common errors that can waste your time and money.
I pride myself in achieving my objectives morally and ethically, so you won't find any sneaky tricks here. If you've ever been "taken" by unscrupulous firms who tried to distort your rankings with dishonest ploys that jeopardized your reputation, take heart: you can generate real and lasting jumps in your page ranks, and you can do it in a way that lets you sleep well at night.
By the time you complete this multiple lesson tutorial, you'll know just what it takes to score top positions for your Web sites. You'll understand how search engines crawl the Web, how they rank Web sites, and how they find previously undiscovered sites. You'll master the important HTML tags that are your key to getting your sites on the web's radar, and you'll see why it's important to amass as many potential keywords as possible.
In addition, we'll discuss the many benefits of the pre-submission analysis, and you'll discover how to analyze your list of keywords to determine the potential of each one. After that, we'll walk through the crucial post-submission analysis, including an overview of the popular Google Analytics program.
You'll also learn how to create and arrange the content in your Web pages to make it as friendly as possible to the search engines you want to attract. We'll discuss keywords as they relate to domain names, and talk about filename conventions that can help improve your page rankings. You'll learn about the spamming tricks to stay away from, and you'll discover various ways to submit your Web site. You'll also master powerful online promotion techniques and time-tested offline promotion techniques that will elevate your site to even higher positions.
Sounds exciting, doesn't it? And I know you're itching to get started! But first, we're going to delve a little into the vocabulary and history of search engines. In the remainder of this lesson, you'll master some important terms and learn about the differences between search engines and directories. We'll also talk about how they started, and take a peek at the former and current power players in the game.
Ready? Let's dive in!
A Little SEO Lingo
Do SEO pros ever sound like they're speaking a foreign language? That's because sometimes they are! You don't need to know all the jargon of search engine optimization, but knowing a few key words and phrases will help you navigate the lessons ahead. Here are some basic terms we'll be using over the next few weeks.
Crawling: A term for a search engine that's actively searching the Web for more content.
Search engine: An automated program that indexes the content of Web sites on the World Wide Web. Search engines are also known as spiders, crawlers, robots, or bots. Once search engine programs are written, they can run and compile detailed indexes of Web sites without any human intervention at all.
Googlebot: The name given to Google's crawling bot.
Directory: A categorical listing of sites available on the World Wide Web. Humans, not search engines, compile directories. At a directory, you typically click a category such as health or business and economy and wind your way through sub-categories until you find what you're looking for.
Internet: A worldwide network of computer networks, sometimes referred to as "the Net."
www (World Wide Web): All users and systems on the Internet that are using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol, which is what http stands for. (Basically, HTTP is a standardized way for a browser and a server to talk to each other.) The World Wide Web is the most commonly used application of the Internet.
Primary Search Results: The results initially displayed after you perform a search at a search engine or a directory.
Organic Search Results: The results obtained as a result of page optimization. These results are not paid for.
Paid search results: Search results that are paid for by an advertiser. Paid search results are usually displayed initially along with the primary search results.
Secondary search results: Search results that are displayed in addition to primary search results. These search results may be paid for or they may be organically derived from a secondary source.
PPC: Pay-Per-Click Listings. These are listings paid for by advertisers on a per-click basis; they can be effective, but they can also be extremely expensive.
Search Engine Share Ranking: The percentage of annual searches completed by any given search engine, as compared to the total number of annual searches on the World Wide Web. (An SESR of 50%, for instance, indicates that half of all searches completed on the Web are initiated from the search engine in question.)
SERP: Search Engine Results Page. This is the page that appears after you initiate a search within a search engine. Our goal is to obtain a high SERP listing.
Google Sitemaps: XML pages you can submit to help Google to correctly index the pages within your site. (We'll talk about XML later on.)
Google Web Master Tools: A compilation of tools and tutorials that can help you optimize your site.
Google Analytics: A comprehensive traffic analysis tool available free of charge from Google.
Don't worry if these terms don't roll easily off your tongue at first! As we go through this course, you'll get more comfortable with your search engine vocabulary (and add to it). In the meantime, you can refer back to this list at any time.
My name is Rene Ayala and I am part of the 818 Solutions team. Although I spend a lot of my time coaching clients so they are more aware of what search engine friendly websites require, I enjoy getting my hands dirty with web development projects. To read more articles such as this one visit our website @ []

Thursday 21 September 2017

Computer Jargon Untangled

By Amanda J Hales
Ah computer lingo. It's sometimes tough to understand and if you're not computer savvy you may be left wondering what on earth they are saying. For instance, what is a walled garden? Is it a literal garden surrounded by a wall like in the olden days? Is it the stuff of Jane Austen? No, a walled garden in computer terms means a group of pages linked to each other but not linked to by other pages. So they're stand alone. This seems a bit weird since the whole point is to link to other pages, these do not. Sadly, this tactic doesn't fly and they will likely have a lower page rank than regular sites.
Time on page refers to, oddly enough, the time a person spends on a certain webpage. Go figure! The time is calculated from when someone clicks on to when they click off. The longer they spend on a page the better as this usually means they have found what they are looking for and are reading the information. If they click on and then immediately off you have work to do on your site (or they landed there by accident).
By comparison, the bounce rate is the percentage of users who enter and then leave a site without looking at any of the pages. Were they there by accident or did your site bore them to tears so they took off for the hills?
The site map is something we all love to use on websites, especially those that are built correctly. This simply means that you can easily find what you are looking for by clicking links to other things on the site.Saves us time and if we are redirected quickly we will be far happier than having to wait around for the new page.
An e-commerce site is one that is devoted to retail sales so it will have handy links, a built in shopping basket and hopefully an easy to use check out system so that we can get our stuff and go.
Finally latent systematic indexing. This is when search engines index commonly associated words in a document. These are also called long tail searches and it helps us users find what we are looking for faster and without a lot of unnecessary clicks.
Search engines are there to help us with our searches so keep them happy with your own website and you'll be good to go!
http://www.TorontoSEO.Company has been offering up SEO and online marketing services since 2003. They are experienced SEO professionals who can help your site rise to the top locally, nationally or globally with their affordable SEO pricing. Committed to honest and ethical SEO methodologies, your website marketing will always be in good hands.

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Wednesday 20 September 2017

How to Earn a Full-Time Income Writing Articles

By Ruth Barringham

There are many ways for writers to make money, and one of the most popular is article writing.

If you're a good writer and you can write articles quickly, you can earn a substantial, regular income. And I'm going to show you how much you can earn and how easy it is.

There's no doubt about it. Good writers are always in demand, and that's true now more than ever before.

There are thousands of blogs online needing regular content plus companies need marketing articles too.

I used to be a freelance writer, writing for many different clients. It was how I got my start as a writer several years ago.

And what I discovered was that good writers were always in demand, especially if they could produce useful and interesting articles quickly and consistently.

I used to get regular work from a few clients which provided me with a steady income.

And if you want to do the same I can tell you how to do it.

You begin by getting used to writing articles quickly. If you practice non-stop for only a week or two, you should be able to produce quality articles quite quickly.

It's possible to write a short article in just 15 minutes. But even if it takes you twice that long (30 minutes) you can still earn a better-than-average income even if you only work part time.

So let's look at the numbers to see how it works.

If you can write an article in 1/2 an hour, then you should be able to complete 8 articles in 4 hours, which is only half a working day.

And if you charge $20 per article, your 8 articles will earn you $160 a day.

This means that if you write articles for 8 hours a day, which doubles your writing time, it will also double your income to $320 a day.

And at that rate, if you work 5 days a week, your weekly income would be $1,600 ($320/day x 5 days/week).

Not bad for a 'work at home' freelance writer. And you get the weekends off.

By working for yourself this way, it all comes down to the quality of your work and your speed of writing.

And with regular client work, you could earn an on-going income - and it could be quite substantial.

And because you're only limited by the number of hours you're prepared to work, you could earn even more.

Imagine that.

About the Author: Ruth Barringham is a writer and author who earns all her income through blogging and writing books. One of her most popular books is her eBook, "How to Write and Article in 15 Minutes - Including Research,Proof Reading and Editing." You can find out more about this eBook and about how she earned $4,000 writing articles in just one day at

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Five Tools Everyone in the Technological World Should Be Using

There are quite a many digital tools out there available in the digital world. Among these I recommend everyone should be using five digital tools which they cannot escape. What are they? Read on to find out.
Among everyone I mean grandparents, great grandparents, truck driver, waitress, inn keeper and all other laypeople included.
Here goes:
1) Viber: Cell phones should have the free tool installed. Then you can use the cell phone number on any digital device such as laptop, iPAD, TAB and others, provided Viber is also installed on these devices. It is meant for making free phone calls where there is also the option of video chatting.
2) Gmail: You should access this email client via internet on your cell phone and other digital devices. This is a free tool as well. You should sign up for this service and start sending out formal or cordial emails as you wish. Along with Viber, which is actually used for making phone calls, you can use Gmail for sending out emails to people with whom you think you can better communicate by using this tool.
3) Google Search: This is a free tool used widely all over the world. You can look up meanings of words or any information you would like to know by typing keywords on the Google search bar and hitting the enter key of your keyboard. And there you go: you will have information page links coming up.
4) Facebook: This is also a free tool where you get to post, like a post, comment and network with friends. You can also upload photos on albums and access as well as view your friends' photos. Limit access to your Facebook account to friends only for security reasons.
5) LinkedIn: This is also a free tool where you get to upload your CV and other profile information about yourself. You get to network with professional people, chat and discuss issues related to work, projects and other worldly issues. Even if you retire, your professional network stays intact and you still get to keep in touch with professionals.
Summing up, these five free digital tools are what you should retain for keeping in touch with friends, acquaintances and professionals and grow your networks to a large extent gradually and feel further inspired and empowered.
However, please keep their usage to a balanced level. Because you need to work, laugh, play, cook and hang around in mother nature. So keep using the digital tools at a balanced level and you will have managed everything up to the mark.
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If you would rather like to access her terrific collection of eBooks based only on fiction and self-help and download them for free, visit: You won't be disappointed and remember to like her Facebook page.

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Tuesday 19 September 2017

Why Is There No Peace and Happiness for Mortals on the Earth?

In a time and in a dimension long ago and now, Demiurge (the creator god) and the supreme Mother of Light that resides in the eighth heaven begat a child called Sabaoth (the god of the Jews) to rule the seventh heaven. Sabaoth then begat Abaddon (the devil, Satan). Sabaoth placed the devil on the Earth, which reside in one of the lower of the seven heavens of the Archons to rule. The soul of humans is the food that the Archons cannot live without.
Demiurge was not pleased that Sabaoth should place Abaddon on the Earth without conferring with him and ordered Sabaoth to remove the devil from the Earth. Both Sabaoth and Abaddon made every effort to convince Demiurge that a demented and horrific seed were now beginning to sprout in the minds of their worshippers (the Jews and Arabs) that will keep the Earth at its lowest state of radiance and in a constant state of turmoil.
Sabaoth also argued that the heavens are fixed in their place and that no heaven should be allowed to ascend to a higher level of presence. In all council, Abaddon agreed with his father until the patience of Demiurge began to wax very thin of hearing them. It is when Demiurge was reaching the end of his endurance in hearing the arguments of Sabaoth and Abaddon for fixed heavens that the supreme Mother of light intervened.
Using light, the supreme Mother of light rejuvenated the failing spirit of Demiurge from being persuaded by the arguments of Sabaoth and Abaddon that the heavens should remain fixed and ordered Abaddon to leave the Earth. Both Sabaoth and Abaddon fell into a rage over this order by Demiurge and sought to kill the supreme Mother of light that dwells in the eighth heaven and have great power and influence over all the heavens and their seats and powers.
Leaving their place in the seventh heaven Sabaoth and Abaddon entered the eighth heaven in the guise of crawling things that slip into a house through cracks in its walls. The design of Sabaoth was to rape, sodomize, and then kill the supreme Mother of light (his mother), whereas, Abaddon simply wanted to kill her (his grandmother) and take her head back to the seventh heaven as a trophy. Neither Sabaoth nor Abaddon took into account that the supreme Mother of light is complete awareness and knew of their devilish scheme even before they set out to commit it.
With just a little power the supreme Mother of light demolished both Sabaoth and Abaddon without bruising a fingernail. She then sealed Sabaoth with unremitting lying lips and chained Abaddon to his worshipers (the Jews and Arabs) with a band that cannot be broken. After this, the supreme Mother of light cast Sabaoth and Abaddon out of her sight by binding them to the Earth and fastening them to their worshippers (the Jews and Arabs) until the time of the beginning when she will refresh the heavens and root out all imperfections that are within it.
Degraded and defaced by the supreme Mother of light, Sabaoth and Abaddon sought to become a terror on the inhabitants of the Earth and fill every hour of their lives with conflicts and misery. But the supreme Mother of light placed a shield around the inhabitants of the Earth that Sabaoth and Abaddon could not penetrate. At that time a fine mist watered the land and the people were as huge as giants with radiant skin and muscles bulging from without and within. Their building tools were their thoughts and with their thoughts they could move from here to there.
In a garden that was very pleasant a woman by the name of Eve lived. This garden was set apart from the rest of the world because Eve was a special build that was to live and bring forth fruits without mixture. On a sunny day, Eve closed her eyes and brought forth a man from between her legs. Demiurge gathered the man that Eve created and took him away, only to bring him back in a moment of time to be the mate that Eve will engage to populate the Earth with her kind. The man of Eve was of age when Demiurge brought him back to her and Demiurge shielded Eve's mind from the remembrance that the man had come forth from her.
In the evening of the day, Sabaoth would approach Eve and tell her of the wonders of the seven heavens and how she could partake of these wonders if she would mate with him. Eve enjoyed hearing of the wonders of the seven heavens but felt that his proposition to mate with him was repugnant. Day after day Sabaoth approached Eve with many pleasantries of words but could not persuade her to mate with him.
At this point Eve had not been given to the man in marriage, that would come when another event happened that compelled Demiurge to expel both Eve and the man from the pleasant garden and fend for themselves. Also at this point, the Jews and Arabs were still in the loins of Sabaoth and were not yet manifest on Earth in the flesh. Abaddon also desired the woman Eve yet kept still as Sabaoth attempted to woo her.
Now it came that on a certain day Eve decided that she wanted to know everything and charmed the man into going down with her on this quest for knowledge. Upon seeing what Eve had done Demiurge promptly told her to pack her bags and get out of the garden.
After referring to the supreme Mother of light about Eve, Demiurge persuaded her into removing her shield of protection from Eve as punishment for her disobedience. As Eve is the first, by default the shield of protection was also removed from the man.
Some time after being sent from the garden Eve and the man got into a heated disagreement concerning who was in charge. In anger, Eve walked in one direction and the man in another so that they may catch their breaths and cool off.
Both Sabaoth and Abaddon was intently observing this confrontation between Eve and the man and when the two went in different directions to cool their tempers Sabaoth confronted Eve along the way with soothing words of support and encouragements. Now that the shield of protection was gone from her the foolish words of Sabaoth started to make a little more sense to Eve.
As far as looks go, Sabaoth was definitely not a second glance but he possessed the gift of gab that caused one to take note of him. Now remember that the supreme Mother of light had sealed Sabaoth with an exceedingly lying mouth and his lies were so convincing in their recital that they could easily be digested as being nothing else but the truth.
At this point, Eve was still in her innocence as far as knowledge and experience were concerned and she still had a very trusting spirit. The concept of being told an untruth was as alien to Eve as the demands of the man that he should be on top of her during copulation.
Hearing their voices Abaddon came closer so that he may eavesdrop on Eve and Sabaoth. Hiding behind a tree Abaddon watched with horror as Sabaoth discreetly placed a hand on one of Eve's thighs and slowly begin to caress it.
Alerted by the touch of his hand Eve pushed Sabaoth in the chest to get him away from her. Eve then reminded Sabaoth that it was unlawful for him to do such a thing as it is not permitted that different beings should mix. Sabaoth told Eve that that law only applied when she was in the garden and that she can greatly increase her knowledge by copulating with him.
Eve was not convinced by these words and turned her face from Sabaoth and walked away. Although technically still a babe, Eve seem to possess an insight that will be a challenge to him, Sabaoth pondered as he watched Eve walking away. Sabaoth turned abruptly to face the sound of footsteps that he heard approaching him while he studiously watched Eve walking away. It was Abaddon coming near with a grand grimace aimed towards Sabaoth on his face.
A heated argument ensued between Sabaoth and Abaddon over Eve. Abaddon proclaimed that he is in love with Eva, whereas, Sabaoth only wants to use her for his pleasure. Sabaoth sought to force his authority over Abaddon but Abaddon rebelled against his father because of his jealousy and lust for Eve.
Sabaoth and Abaddon quickly engaged into hand-to-hand combat and Abaddon prevailed over his father. As a prize for his victory over Sabaoth, Abaddon took over the control of the Jews and Arabs but granted Sabaoth the guardianship of their mouths. After much beseeching to Demiurge and the supreme Mother of light, Sabaoth was eventually permitted to return to the seventh heaven but was given a much lower rank than before.
On a certain day, Abaddon disguised himself as an angel of light and approached Eve when she was alone. Before Eve's eyes, Abaddon shape-shifted between a glorious heavenly being and a creature of the Earth that Eve was very familiar with, a serpent that was mystical in its appearance.
Eve became mesmerized by the form transitions of Abaddon that started slowly and increased in pace as they talked. Eve had never seen such a thing before and it hypnotized her as it dazzled her. Abaddon's low, deep voice was like the rhythm section to his form transitions that increased in tempo with each change in form.
Eve was so absorbed by what she was experiencing that she was unaware that Abaddon was steadily inching closer to her. Then a cry of fright and pain echoed through the trees and the barren land as Abaddon viciously seized Eve and sexually assaulted her. Hearing the cries of Eve, the supreme Mother of light opened a window to other dimensions and screamed in horror upon seeing the ghastly sight of her daughter being sexually violated by Abaddon.
Nothing such as this had ever happened in the heavens before and all eyes were shocked into stillness upon seeing and hearing this gruesome affront to personal dignity that was taking place on the Earth. "Forever cursed are you and your worshippers this day for the vile inflict that you have inflicted upon my precious daughter Eve Abaddon. You have bruised her heel bitterly but she will smash your head into pieces and scatter you where no one can find you." Said the supreme Mother of light, and continued.
"For a moment you and your disciples will rule the Earth, and after that, Eve will lay her hands on you and you will plead for a way of escape but Eve will violate you with a magnificent violation and then turn you into ashes from within. You do exceedingly great damage to many, and cry like a baby when you are hurt." Says the supreme Mother of light.
"Your weeping and your moaning will avail you nothing except the terrible vengeance of Eve when her appointed hour falls upon you and she rips your ears from their drums. Have a good day because the Sun is setting on you and no more will you ever be known in the heavens above and the hell below." This is the judgment that the supreme Mother of light pronounced on Abaddon and his worshippers (Jews and Arabs) for the accursed thing that he has done.
And this is why there is no peace and happiness for mortals on the Earth, for now, because Eve is damn mad that the children of the Earth have allowed the lying mouth and the partisans of the devil to persuade and have rule over them. Her enmity toward Abaddon is a smoldering furnace that embraces the world that he governs.
Eve know every one of her children by their name and their number and she wants all of her peoples to know that the followers of the Torah and the Koran are blasphemies that were forced upon her by the malevolence of their ruler Abaddon, and therefore, are not of her but of a parasite that wormed its way inside of her.
On a day that is here and not quite yet, Eve will place the garment that she wore when she was desecrated by Abaddon over the Earth, and when she pulls it away, the garment and the Earth will be cleansed and unspoiled as never before. At that time there will be peace and happiness on the Earth and all of its creatures will wax beautifully.

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Monday 18 September 2017

Faith In Christ Abounds When We End Today Like There Is No Tomorrow

It may seem cliche to talk about appreciating the blessings we have each day. According to the book of Revelation this is an end time to prepare, and pray! One way of knowing what is truth, and a lie is to hear the same prophesy. NASA in the USA has confirmed the Hopi Blue Star Kachina is on the way. Scientists reluctantly named this comet coming as Planet X, or HEO437, too. The difference from their observation, and prophesy is there is a plan through.

Thursday 31 August 2017

Translating Igbo Names at the Igbozue Summer Picnic

At the Igbozue summer picnic, held Saturday, August 13, 2017 at Wharton Park, in North Haven, Connecticut, children and teenagers sat around wooden tables for an educational session of translating popular Igbo names into English. God and man are two themes that attract enormous respect and honor in Igbo culture, said the instructor, Chibuike. This explains why lots of Igbo names begin with two prefixes: Chukwu--, or chi--- [a short form of Chukwu], both meaning God, and Nna--, meaning a biological father, or a divine figure.


Conor McGregor surpasses Ronaldo in Forbes rich list after earning £77m from Mayweather fight

Ronaldo earned £71m last year but McGregor's paycheck from the bout against Floyd Mayweather has surpassed that.

Conor McGregor will overtake Cristiano Ronaldo in Forbes' latest rich list for athletes after pocketing almost £80m (€86.1m, $103.6m) following his bout with Floyd Mayweather.
The Irishman was stopped in the 10th round by Mayweather in Las Vegas on Saturday (26 August), as his professional boxing debut ended in defeat. However, the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) star can console himself with his share of the fight's purse, which was reportedly worth £77m.
"You [Ronaldo] were number one on the Forbes list, I was like number 35 or something," McGregor said.When Ronaldo and McGregor met last year in a gym the Irishman uses for training, the latter told the Real Madrid star he would soon surpass him at the top of the list.
"I'll get up. Maybe next year I'll get you."
Ronaldo, however, dismissed the claim and replied: "I don't think so."
The list is calculated by adding together salaries, bonuses and endorsements, including revenue from sponsorships and appearance fees, but agent fees are not counted. Furthermore, athletes who are inactive for 12 months are removed from the list.
Despite his bumper paycheck, McGregor will not top the list, with Mayweather set to claim the number one spot amid reports his share of the purse from Saturday's fight was worth an eye-watering £233m.
The American, who will walk away from the sport with a 50-0 record, said the fight with McGregor lived up to all expectations and broke the previous pay-per-view record that he shared with Manny Pacquiao.
"We broke all the pay-per-view records," he said at the post-fight press conference. "You will never see me in the ring again. I wanted to break records and do different things. And tonight we broke the Mayweather-Pacquiao record for pay-per-view buys."
However, the Irishman will overtake a number of elite athletes, including Roger Federer, Kevin Durant, Rory McIlroy and Lewis Hamilton.
Furthermore, with Mayweather set to retire from boxing, McGregor will fancy securing top spot soon enough, given his high profile in the UFC circuit and the possibility of him stepping back into the boxing ring.