Sunday 24 September 2017

Outbound Links - The Secret Search Engine Optimisation Weapon

By Tom Greaves

Everybody knows the power of back links in the search engine optimisation mix, back links increase rank and improve page relevance, they also allow PageRank to flow to your pages and however no one really knows about the ranking power held in out links from your sites pages.

Many have a negative association with out links presuming they diminish a sites PageRank, and give relevancy to other, sometimes competing sites, this is why a lot of page links in today's market are marked with the no follow attribute.

The truth is out links can make a significant difference in your ability to rank for certain keywords, have you ever wondered why so many directories rank for significant keywords? These sites are filled with thousands and some times millions of outbound links, yet still out rank some highly optimised sites. It's because relevant out bound links pointing to quality resources hold some substance in the search engine ranking algorithm.

So how should we be looking to link out? Well first of all let me start by saying, don't simply go and create a load of outbound links from your page expecting miracles to happen, there are certain aspects you need to consider first.

The primary aspect of out bound links is, who are you linking to? You should look to link to relevant content from reliable resources. Linking to spammy or unethical sites will see your site penalised, so avoid those kind of links.

Secondly in order to increase relevance and your ability to rank, you also need to anchor the outbound links with the keyword you wish to target. If I was targeting the keyword search engine optimisation, then I would anchor an out bound link to a relevant resource with that anchor text.

The important thing with outbound linking is not to go overboard, only link when it is natural and of benefit to your users as this is ultimately what Google is trying to achieve. I like to stick to around 5 - 10 outbound links per page, anchored and targeted towards pages that are relevant to my own content. Wikipedia is another brilliant example of the power of out links, they link to hundreds and thousands of different resources which are checked and quality assured and how many keywords do they rank for?? Thousands probably, which results in millions of visitors every month.

Creating a great resource is not simply about hoarding link juice and PageRank, it is about creating something people can interact with, something that is of use to searchers, this ultimately is the kind of site Google will reward.

If you would like to learn more about search engine optimisation Please visit our quality seo service page.

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